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Large Mazes

Here's a selection of my larger mazes! Check out the new Small Mazes section!

Bubbles Maze, 1997

Zig-Zag Maze, 1996

Animals Maze,1996

3D Rainbow Maze, 2003
These two are actually the same maze. I got complaints that people couldn't tell where the tunnel split, and where it just overlapped... Therefore, I created this guided version of the maze with arrows showing the possible directions in splits.
If there are no arrows, it is not a split. (except the places I screwed up, mostly on the right...
I need to fix it... sorry- it shouldn't affect the answer.)

If you can actually complete one of the four mazes above, send me an email and I will send you a prize.

The number one question I get asked about these mazes is how long it took to create them.
The three on top were hand-drawn, and I would estimate that each took anywhere from 10 to 20 hours.
I created the 3D Rainbow Maze on my computer in Embellish, and this took about 30 hours.

The b/w 250 x 250 background on this page was created on the computer in Embellish as well.
I drew it left handed with the mouse. This took about 3 hours. Do you see the seams?


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